Friday, May 20, 2011

Been away enjoying my family

     I never knew how much I missed out on my kids lives when I was working.  I would just send them to daycare and not think much about it.  When I picked them up I would asked them what the learned and they would tell me and I would be so proud of them.  They would come home sing songs and try to teach me the new games they learned at school.  They where having new experiences but I was not a part of them.  A teacher that they may or may not remember was getting to share in such a major part of their lives one that I never got to see because I was always working.
     I was truly blessed when I decided to leave work and stay home with my kids.  I didn't realize how much I was missing out on.  Now I can see my kids grow.  I can be involved with their learning and see how they interact with one another and watch them play. We can dance, sing songs, play games, and build cherished memories with one another.
     I missed out on 160 HOURS a month with my first two children with me working and them being in daycare. 160 hours every month is a lot of time not to be around your family.  That's time I can't get back. I missed out on a lot of  my sons firsts like drinking out of a cup and eating with a fork and spoon.  Those may seem like little things but they are major to a mother.

     I don't ever want to miss out on that much time with my family ever again.  one minute their babies and before we know it they are grown.I going to enjoy all the time I can spend with my family.  Time is precious once it is gone you cant get it back.

Monday, March 21, 2011



View 2011-03-2...jpg in slide show

      What an awesome day.  God is so good.  He blessed us with the breath of life and we got to spend another wonderful day together as a family.  What more could a girl ask for ... awww got to love it.

     Today was filled with the kids running around playing and laughing, watching our baby girl learn how to roll on her tummy, and my honey and I just bonding.  We watched a few movies and played some games and then my honey asked that age old question "WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" 

     Since we already did everything else together today we thought that it would be perfect to cook together also.  It was great and lots of fun.  We decided to make a homemade pizza.  This was our first time making a pizza but it turned out great. 

     Everyone had a part in making our TURKEY TACO and ONION CHEDDAR CHEESE PIZZA.  I cooked up the toppings. I used Turkey taco meat. I honey laid on all the sauce and the kids topped the pizza with the cheddar cheese.

It tasted so good we had to make another one
View 2011-03-2...jpg in slide show


Aim Auto Insurance

     Are you looking for fast and affordable insurance? offers:

Affordable Car Quotes

Vehicle Liability Policies

Premium Rates 

Best Providers

Inexpensive Student Coverage

     If you ever had to shop for insurance you know how aggravating it can be.  You find yourself calling around to different companies trying to find the best rates.  I know I would love to do all of my shopping around all in the same place. Simple easy shopping that what is all about.

     You can get quick quotes from a variety of companies on your home or auto insurance at They have affordable rates and they have special offers for students.

     Bad driving record? Don't worry can help you determine what insurance is best for you.

     You will get call and emails from Aim Auto Insurance.

{this is my opinion and I will be compensated for this review}.

Friday, March 18, 2011

$$$ Review

 Wouldn't it be nice to make some quick cash fast!!! 
     You see these types of advertisements all over the web and you get them in your junk mail.  I'm the curious type and I clicked on one of these ads one day just to see what it was all about.  It took me to a website that said that you could take surveys and earn money while doing so.   It was simple to join and once I did, I could take surveys and earn points.  Once you earn a certain amount of points you can redeem them for products or get your points converted into cash and get paid through pay pal.

     I've been doing these surveys for about a year and have about 2750 points and I'm letting them add up until I cash them out with my pay pal account.  I even got to sample a 36pk. of Pampers Swaddlers which came in handy because I had a 3mth. old at the time.

      I got a chance to review it's a similar website like the one that I am a member of.  It's easy to join all you do is enter your name and email address and in a few minutes you can start earning cash  by
  • Reading emails
  • Taking surveys
  • Trying new products
  • Shopping online
  • Playing games
     It is ABSOLUTELY FREE to join and you even get great offers from places like Target, Wal-Mart and Netflix to name a few.  Oh, and you even get a $5.00 Bonus for signing up.

You wont get rich but it sure is a good way to earn some extra $$$$$ while doing the things that you usually do everyday. Why not give a try. That extra cash might just come in handy.


This is my opinion of this website and I will be compensated for writing this review.

Thursday, March 10, 2011



         There is a way that seems rigth to man,
               but in the end it leads to death.

"The "way that seems right" may offer many options and require few sacrifices. Easy choices, however, should make us take a second look. Is this solution attractive because it allows me to be lazy? Because it doesn't ask me to change my life-style? Because it requires no moral restraints? The right choice often requires hard work and self-sacrifice. Don't be enticed by apparent shortcuts that seems right but end in death."  Life Application Bible. New International Version.

Take the time and read one Proverb a day, it just might make you look at life in a new light.



Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nap Time

     Sleep is a major factor for a good healthy life.  Chlidren develope mentally and phisycially in the early stages of childhood and taking a regular nap helps give your child time to grow and rejuvenate.

     Taking a nap during some point of the day keeps your child from being sleepy and cranky which leads to them being in a bad mood.

     Many parents enjoy the idea for a nap because it allows them to do much needed housework, cook, or just take a moment to relax.  I found that when my kids would nap, that is when I got most of my housework accomplished.

     At some point your child will give up naps.  Our two oldest no longer take naps.  I find myself on occassion asking them to take a nap but it never happens.  Our oldest gave up naps around 4 and our middle stop taking them at the age of 2.  I feel that the 2yr old wont take a nap because big sis isn't taking one.  Of course the baby still naps and I don't think she'll give them up anytime soon.

     I found this poll at


  • 4%   BEFORE AGE 2
  • 16% AROUND AGE 2
  • 25% AROUND AGE 3
  • 16% AROUND AGE 4
  • 4%   AROUND AGE 5
  • 34% STILL NAPS


  • 50% YES
  • 29% NO
  • 21% NOT SURE
     I voted yes but their father feels that if they take a nap during the day it might make it harder for them to sleep at night.

     I know that my kids don't like taking naps but I kind of enjoy them.  I wish I could take one right now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


     That's right, I used to have it easy.  I had it made and life was easy. I was a manager at a major retailer working Monday - Friday 7am. - 4pm. putting in 40hrs a week.  My day would start off with me waking up at 6:00am , getting my kids dressed, dropping them off at daycare, and then I would head to work.   My job consisted of me managing my department, ordering merchandise, controlling inventory, assisting customers, and I can't forget to mention those daily meetings.  After working on this job just 4 months shy of 11 years, I started getting bored.  After a while, I felt like my life was a movie that was stuck on repeat. I would do the same thing every day.  Get up, take the kids to daycare, and go to work over and over again day in and day out. I would see other mothers in the store shopping with their friends and kids and I would envy them and wish that could be me.  Oh, what I would do to get away from this job that had already consumed 11years of my life.

     Then it happened, I got pregnant with my third child.  My doctor put me on bed rest in the seventh month so I had to take a leave from work.  This was it, this was my chance to get out.  After talking things over with my fiance, we decided that it would be best for me to stay home with the kids while he continued to work and support our growing family.

    Yes, finally the vacation that I always wanted.  I could get up when I wanted, hangout with my family, do my shopping, and plan my day on my time.  WRONG, I was so silly to think that being a full-time mommy would be easier than working a full-time job.

     See, when I worked a regular job I could take a break every two hours but being home with the kids, there is no such thing as a break.  If the baby isn't crying, I'm dealing with the older two and once I get things situated with them and think that I might relax a while and take a break the baby starts to cry.  Being home with my 3 kids is also more challenging then my former job because we no longer have them in daycare. Now not only am I the mother but also the teacher.  My days are full of teaching them their numbers and ABC's, singing songs, coloring, and doing other children's activities.  I have them on a schedule.  School starts at 9:30am and out at 12:00pm which gives me enough time to cook lunch and do any house work before daddy gets home.

     But wait, I thought I would get to go shopping and have lots of free time for myself and my family and not be bound to a job and have others set my schedule.  How wrong I was.  This is no piece of cake.  I don't get a break every two hours, I no longer work 7-4, and I sure don't get every week-end off any more.

     Having a job does complicate things and limit the time you get to spend with your family. You may not be able to go on vacation when you like, get certain days off or even get that perfect schedule you always hoped for.  Yeah, working a full-time job may be hard, boring,and repetitive, but nothing is harder than being a full-time mommy.

     The days of shopping and having free time went out the window when I had kids.  Instead of having a boss dictate to me I have 3 kids controlling my days and setting my schedules.  They let me think I'm the boss, but they really have control over my day.

     Don't get me wrong, I love being a full-time mommy and I sure wont be going back to my old job anytime soon.  Yes, it's harder much harder than I thought but I wouldn't change a thing.  I love my life and I absolutely love my family.  I'm truly blessed, but It's hard being a full time mommy.