Friday, May 20, 2011

Been away enjoying my family

     I never knew how much I missed out on my kids lives when I was working.  I would just send them to daycare and not think much about it.  When I picked them up I would asked them what the learned and they would tell me and I would be so proud of them.  They would come home sing songs and try to teach me the new games they learned at school.  They where having new experiences but I was not a part of them.  A teacher that they may or may not remember was getting to share in such a major part of their lives one that I never got to see because I was always working.
     I was truly blessed when I decided to leave work and stay home with my kids.  I didn't realize how much I was missing out on.  Now I can see my kids grow.  I can be involved with their learning and see how they interact with one another and watch them play. We can dance, sing songs, play games, and build cherished memories with one another.
     I missed out on 160 HOURS a month with my first two children with me working and them being in daycare. 160 hours every month is a lot of time not to be around your family.  That's time I can't get back. I missed out on a lot of  my sons firsts like drinking out of a cup and eating with a fork and spoon.  Those may seem like little things but they are major to a mother.

     I don't ever want to miss out on that much time with my family ever again.  one minute their babies and before we know it they are grown.I going to enjoy all the time I can spend with my family.  Time is precious once it is gone you cant get it back.